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병원과 함께하는 의료진을 소개합니다.

N.E.L 의료진

NEL 동물의료센터

넬 동물의료센터는 진료과목을 대표하는 의료진들과 함께합니다.

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최고의 의술을 가진 의료진들과 병원의 진료를 이끌어 갑니다. 반려동물, 보호자 그 곁에 넬이 함께 하겠습니다.


원장 / N.E.L



  • 주요 경력
  • 학술활동
  • 기타


경북대학교 수의학과 수석졸업(Full scholarship in Whole Vet. Med process)
경북대학교 내과 대학원


JNU bovine & equine industrial animal practice (2009)
Africa AH(2012)
Western AH(2013)
Haemaru AH VC(2013)


Stem cell in vetstem (2023)
Konkuk university oncology intensive course PhD. DVM park (2016)
PhD. DVM Hyn chang Baek internal medicine seminar (2016)
PhD. DVM Hyn chang Baek Cardiology course 수석 (2016)
Hae-maru DVM Lee Feline intensive congress (2016)
Acris animal Medical center “Exotic animal practice” course PhD. Park (2014)
Hae-maru “acute & chronic Cardiac disease” course PhD. Kim (2014)
Seoul university Veterinary Anaesthesia intensive Course (2014)
Hae-maru animal medical center “small animal Emergency course” (2011)
KNU small animal odontology workshop (2011)
HAB (human animal bond) Small animal behavior advance course (2010)
The 2nd KNU-Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Workshop
"Stem Cell Biology & Neuroscience" (2008)
KAHA (Korean Animal hospital association) congress (2006)
KAHA (Korean Animal hospital association) congress (2006)


2024 한국임상수의학회 춘계학술대회 증례발표 - Efficacy of High-Dose Rivaroxaban in Treating Portal Vein Thromboembolism in a Dog
2024 한국임상수의학회 춘계학술대회 증례발표 - Craniotomy Fenestration for Intracranial Arachnoid Cyst in a Dog
2024 한국임상수의학회 춘계학술대회 증례발표 - Mitral Valve Repair in a Dog with End-Stage Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease
WASAVA (world small animal veterinary association world congress) completion
한미합동 military working dog surgery workshop "gastropexy approach to frank" 주최
한미합동 military working dog training center workshop 강연
Bangkok WASAVA(world small animal veterinary association world congress)
Practical use of stem cell in local animal hospital "INVETS" 수의사강의

